Basic information about betta fish
Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Wherever they are found, betta fish generally inhabit shallow bodies of water with abundant vegetation.
There is a lack of oxygen in betta fish’s habitat because of the combination of shallow water and high temperature, which leads to rapid gases evaporation. This environment forces betta fish to form a labyrinth organ to help them breathe directly from the air.
Just like dogs, betta fish can recognize their owners. Once their owners approach, they will swim excitedly.
As one of the natural carnivores, wild betta fish like eating insects and insect larvae, which are high in protein. Some betta fish are greedy, they eat a lot of food because wild betta fish have to compete for food, or they will be starving.
For the betta fish kept in your small aquarium, you can feed them with fish flakes, pellets, freeze-dried foods, frozen foods and live foods.
For more information about what to feed your betta fish, how often to feed a betta fish and why your betta fish don’t eat, you can search the blog “How Often Do You Feed A Betta Fish”.
The male will wrap his body around the female to spawn, which is called a “nuptial embrace”. During each embrace, the female betta fish will release 10-40 eggs. Most female betta fish will devour all the eggs she released. So after releasing, female betta fish will be chased away from the male’s territory or they will be killed by the male.
It takes 24-36 hours to incubate the eggs. After that, they will be kept in the nest for 2-3 days until their yolk sacs are fully absorbed. Then the fry will leave the nest and begin to swim freely. Normally, betta fish can live for 2-5 years.
Current situation
Although betta fish are very aggressive, they are very common with beginners because they are easy to care for and don’t require much maintenance. What’s more, they have striking personalities, shapes, colors and charming behavior.
In addition to its worldwide popularity, the Siamese fighting fish is the national aquatic animal of Thailand. Despite their abundance as pets, betta fish are vulnerable species due to increasing pollution and habitat destruction.
Types of betta fish
We can divide betta fish into several types according to their tails, colors and patterns.
Tail types
1. Crowntail Betta
The tail looks like a crown because the fin rays are extended beyond the membrane.

Very similar to crown tail betta, it is a less extended version of the crown tail betta.

3. Delta Tail Betta
The tail becomes narrower as it gets closer to the body, widening toward the edges. So it resembles the triangular shape.
4. Double Tail Betta
The tail fin is divided into two parts, the two tails will show different bifurcation.
5. Elephant Ear Betta
Pectoral fins resemble the shape of elephant ears.
6. Halfmoon Betta
"D" shaped tail fin that forms a 180° angle.
7. Half Sun Betta
Comb tail with tail fin going 180°, like a half-moon.
8. Plakat Betta
Short fins resemble the fins seen in wild-type bettas.
9. Rose Tail Betta
The tail resembles a rose shape.
10. Roundtail Betta
The shape of the tail is round.
11. Spade Tail Betta
The tail fin has a wide base that narrows to a small point.
Other tail types
Veiltail betta
Over Halfmoon/Super Delta Tail
Feather Tail
Halfmoon Plakat
Color types
1. Red Betta
2. Orange Betta
3. Yellow Betta
4. Green Betta
5. Blue Betta
6. Purple Betta
7. Black Betta
8. White Betta
9. Pink Betta
10. Mustard Gas Betta
11. Cellophane Betta

Other colors
Pattern types
1. Bi-colored Betta
The color of the fin is different from the body.
2. Butterfly Betta
Fins have distinct bands of colors.
3. Cambodian Betta
The body is pale, almost colorless, and fins are a solid color.
4. Dragon Betta
Rich strong base color with the scales on the main part of the body a pale iridescent.
5. Marble Betta
Looks like marble.
6. Multicolored Betta
Three or more colors on the body that do not fit into any other pattern category.
7. Solid Betta
There is only one color on the entire fish.
Other patterns
Full Mask
How to keep a betta fish
Chose a suitable fish tank
The minimum size of fish tank for a betta fish is 5 gallons. For more than one betta fish, you may need a bigger one. Some people prefer to buy a small bowl for their betta fish, but the bowl may not be suitable for betta fish. They like swimming from the left and right, so the width of a tank needs to be taken into consideration.
After you buy a proper fish tank, remember to put it in a right place. The tank should be set near a power source, away from the sunlight and cold area.
Find a powerful filter
When you choose a filter for your betta, find the one that can filter the entire tank several times per hour without creating too much flow. Before you choose, research the fish you keep and the tank you buy, these elements will influence the choice of a filter. You are suggested you choose from different kinds of sponge filters or internal filters, they may be better than other types of filters.
Buy a heater
Betta fish are tropical fish that need a warmer environment to live. The water temperature is about 74-82 degrees Fahrenheit. They are very sensitive to the temperature, so you’d better buy a good heater for your betta fish, or they will feel uncomfortable and eat less, causing diseases.
Offer enough light
Betta fish have a great need for light during the day, at least 14-16 hours per day. But at night, they need a dark environment, so remember to turn off the light for your betta fish.
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